We live in what has been a fast-paced world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. In the process we have lost the joy of the journey; we stopped smelling the roses and noticing the beauty of the landscape. We also lost the ability to hear our own voice. Each of us is unique. We each have a pace that is comfortable for us. Sometimes that pace is slow and methodical and sometimes we take a leap. How fast we proceed is not of importance.
What is important is whether it fits our needs in the moment. Is it coming from inside of us or is it being dictated by some artificial deadline or a notion that someone else has about how fast we can or should move? It’s the equivalent of telling a train to drive at the same speed whether it’s rounding a sharp corner or traveling on a straight patch of track. Only the person driving the train can determine what speed is needed in each case for a safe journey.
The same is true for us. If we want our journey through life to be safe and rewarding, we must determine when we need to slow down and when we are ready to speed up. A client recently told me her colleague wanted her to bring a project in ahead of time. He was certain that she had the capability of getting the job done quickly and successfully. My client expressed fear about following his advice. It didn’t feel comfortable to her. I pointed out that she was using her internal wisdom to guide her, and instead of using the word “fear”, in this case, she should give herself credit for being self-empowered and not letting someone else determine the speed that was right for her.
Her colleague was well-intentioned and thought he was showing support and confidence in her abilities. The problem is, he was asking her to over-ride her inner knowing. We can learn to take someone else’s advice into consideration but not necessarily act on it. We want to first check in with our inner wisdom and stay true to ourselves, to our journey, to our pace. When we do, we will know when to act and how fast to go. No one knows what is best for us more than our limitless higher self. Consult within, trust and follow that guidance and you will always be successful because you will be true to yourself.
My Tip for You
There is so much fear and anxiety about the virus, job security, the economy, how long we will be in lockdown and what life will be like when we emerge from this pandemic that it is harder than usual for us to hear our inner wisdom. When we are stripped of our usual distractions and routines, questions may emerge like: who am I really, what do I want, what would make me happy, what is the best course of action for me to take right now, how do I get through this extended period of uncertainty and how do I make the best use of this time?
For many of us, life seemed to be laid out for us. We did what our parents or boss wanted and we just went along. This pandemic is giving us time to examine those choices. Some of us, possibly for the first time, are beginning to realize how unhappy we are and how our jobs, goals, relationships, and/or choices are not in alignment with who we really are and what is most important to us.
If we choose, we can use this pandemic as a great opportunity to take a deep look at our lives and make new choices. Some are waiting for things to go back to the way they were. That is not going to happen. Only 9% of workers want to return to working the way they had been. People are enjoying the freedom they are experiencing by working from home and the more relaxed schedule without the time or cost of commuting. Businesses are also realizing that they can save a lot of money by cutting down on the costs of expensive offices.
Most importantly people are seeking to find work that is in alignment with who they really are. In order to do this, we must learn how to listen to our inner wisdom. It’s the still small voice that is hard to hear over the loud voices of others or the incessant voice in our head telling us we need to be sensible or we should do what we’re supposed to in order to fit in and be loved. The technique that I provided above will help you quiet those voices and hear the voice that knows the truth, the voice of wisdom that resides inside of you and knows the best answers for you. Use this pandemic to learn how to quiet the voices of others and hear your own true voice.
You may also be interested in these past episodes from Dr. Paula’s Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit radio show:
July 9, 2020 Shelly Wilson, Creating the Life You Love: Embracing the Magic Within
May 19, 2016 Zen DuBrucke, Create Success With Your Internal Guidance
Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their health, wealth and relationships through her writing, coaching, and speaking. Contact her today to get started on your journey. Recently Dr. Paula Joyce, PhD was chosen by Expertise as one of the 16 Best Life Coaches in Dallas.
Dr. Paula Joyce, The Life Doctor
Personal, Business, and Spiritual Transformation Coach
Email- drpaula@drpaulajoyce.com
Office Phone- 972.788.2393
To learn more, please visit my website: www.drpaulajoyce.com
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