Doctors Have a Limiting Perspective
27 years ago when I began learning from Dr. Bernie Siegel’s books, audio programs and workshops, I took to heart his idea of becoming my own advocate where my health was concerned. In our society, we tend to put doctors on a pedestal and think of them as having the final word on what we should and shouldn’t do in regards to our own health. I have discovered that the more I take charge of my own health choices, the healthier I become. Doctors tend to see things from a limited perspective and with the limited training of their specialty. One doctor friend told me that medicine is more an art than it is a science. It’s rare to hear a medical doctor say that, but it is the truth. The best doctors use a lot of intuition to diagnose and treat illness and they are willing to listen to their patients. What a concept—actually listening to their patients!
Being a Health Advocate for Family Members
One friend told me how when her young child was in the hospital, he almost died because she couldn’t get anyone to listen to her. The doctor had just been in the room to do his post-operative check. After he left, the mother noticed that her son had stopped breathing. She ran after the doctor who totally dismissed her as a nervous mother. She finally found a nurse who would listen to her. The story fortunately had a happy ending, but only after a lot of chaos, fear and panic because the doctor was so sure that he knew better than anyone else what was happening. I remember when my mother was sick and she wouldn’t even ask the doctor questions. I had to bring her to Dallas and get a group of specialists to work together as a team, run tests and actually talk with each other about the results. Through this process, they diagnosed a blood clotting disease that was not curable, but it was treatable. Together they worked out a course of treatment that I’m certain prolonged her life. She lived for a number of years after that with more ease.
Being Your Own Health Advocate
One of the ways that I have taken charge of my own health is through the 21 Steps for Healing Your Body Workshop that I just finished conducting last night. I have noticed that with myself, negative thoughts are releasing in layers. I can feel some recurring negative thoughts getting lighter and less intense. It’s almost as if they become more distant and softer until they are gone completely. As each layer of negativity releases, I can see and feel my shoulder and back moving into healthier and healthier alignment. At the same time the wrinkles in my neck and face are decreasing as are the brown age spots on my skin. I’m experiencing the proof of what the angels have told me – and that is that our thoughts influence our body. As we change our thoughts, we change our body. I like changing everything for the better.

And that’s the goal of the next workshop that I will be conducting, called the Om Awakening. It is another way that I have taken charge of my own healing and am helping others do the same. I’m the first teacher initiate and am grateful to be chosen to offer this workshop to you.
Om is the sound of creation. It vibrates at the highest levels. This process will bring you in alignment with the positive, loving and enlightening vibration of the Universe.
This experience will:
Open new channels within your body
Connect you with the Divine energy
Raise your vibration
Increase your awareness of the Divine
Heal your body
Help you see through the eyes of your limitless higher self
Release your fears
Bring more light, love, health and youthfulness into your body
We’ll be at the Dallas Meditation Center on Saturday, June 6, 2-3:30pm, at the low cost of $35. Click here to learn more and to register.