I wrote the following piece in June, 1999:
She was on the pathway, going strong, when for no apparent reason, she veered to the left. The force of the turn nearly knocked her out of the car, and as she was trying to regain command of the chain of vehicles attached to her, her passengers got very perturbed. No one had bargained for this sudden “turn of events.” Where were they going now? Just as everyone was stretching to understand what this meant for them, the road split and they were all carried down the left fork instead of the right. How could it all have changed so quickly? In the blink of an eye their course was irrevocably altered. What could she have been up to? Why would she do this?
Well, of course, she was wondering the same thing. It was as if someone else had grabbed control of the wheel. She was no longer in charge – a force much greater than herself was “steering the ship“ now – so to speak, and she – like everyone else – was being “taken for a ride!“ Oh dear, what was going to happen? She was the leader, the quiet, sensible always knowing the right thing to do one. They depended on her, and now – well now, they’ll probably fire her – if they ever reach their destination – or any destination, that is.
As quickly as the chaos emerged, it vanished. It was as if the highway opened up and created a calm. The borderlands were doing their job again — keeping everyone on the pathway – no detours, no forks, no jags – smooth sailing – for now, that is!
Spiritual Path
Stepping onto the spiritual path can be disconcerting, even frightening. Someone I met months ago told me how I had changed her life. When we initially met, I told her about my radio show and mentioned some of the topics we discuss, like near death experiences. She was shocked to hear someone talk about these kinds of things, and for the first time felt comfortable enough to share her own near-death experience.
Now she listens to my show and others that talk about such experiences and other spiritual topics. She said our initial conversation led her to broaden her spiritual life. She now listens to the still small voice within and has discovered some of her intuitive and psychic abilities and strong connection with her guides and angels, even though she still isn’t sure guides and angels really exist. What she described to me, however, was a clear indication that she is receiving messages and guidance from the spiritual realm. She told me how scary it is to trust this information and how she has spent her whole life intentionally ignoring the voice of her inner wisdom. Nevertheless, she is listening now and even spontaneously, or intuitively, started talking to the voices she hears and asking them questions. The wonderful thing is that she is getting answers and then experiences in the real world that confirm those answers.
One concern she had was how to know the voices are from the positive spiritual realm. I gave her this information, which I encourage all of you to use. The laws of the spiritual realm provide protection for us. When I hear a voice, I ask it 3 times: “Are you of a high and positive spiritual nature?” Each time I wait for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. The laws of the Universe require the spirit to answer truthfully by the third time. If I get one ‘no’ answer, I ask Archangel Michael to remove this negative spirit and take it where it will harm no one ever again.
By using this technique, you can protect yourself from spirits that wish you harm or want to create chaos. Like in the story I wrote in 1999, turning onto a spiritual path can create fears. It takes a leap of faith to trust the quiet voice, the whisperings of our soul and our guides. When we take that leap, everything changes, calm sets in and life takes on more depth, meaning and beauty.
You may also be interested in these past episodes from Dr. Paula’s Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit radio show:
Living as a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience with Stefania Magidson from February 7, 2019
What Near-Death Experiences Tell Us About Living with Lynn Kathleen Russell from February 11, 2016
Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their health, wealth and relationships through her writing, coaching, and speaking. Contact her today to get started on your journey. Recently Dr. Paula Joyce, PhD was chosen by Expertise as one of the 16 Best Life Coaches in Dallas.
Dr. Paula Joyce, The Life Doctor
Personal, Business, and Spiritual Transformation Coach
Email- drpaula@drpaulajoyce.com
Office Phone- 972.788.2393
To learn more, please visit my website: www.drpaulajoyce.com
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