Gaining Insight through Tarot

For most of us, asking for help is the hardest thing. We think that it’s a sign of weakness. Actually, it’s the exact opposite. It’s a sign of strength. You know the expression, 2 heads are better than 1. It’s hard to be objective when we are trying to create change...

Living Life with Wisdom

Tip of the Week As you’ve noticed by now, I often include a silver lining story in my blog. When appropriate, I’m going to begin with a tip for the week from my e-book, 33 Tips for Self-empowerment. I’ve decided to do this because when you are self-empowered, you are...

Manifestations for 2016

Art3Here is a technique for manifesting what you want in 2016: 1. Do this sometime between December 30th and January 1st. 2. Spend no more than about an hour doing this. Simplicity is important. 3. Put yourself in a positive frame of mind, think of something that...