Because of my osteoporosis, it was especially important to me to have Deb McFarland, owner of OsteoStrong of Carrollton, on my radio show, Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, to talk about building bone density without taking prescription medication. People start losing bone density around the age of 30. Worldwide, over age 50, osteoporosis causes 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men to experience fractures. Approximately 20% of those who have a hip fracture die within the first year, 40% never walk independently, and 33% have to move into a nursing home. Until recently, there have been no good solutions for preventing or curing osteoporosis. Now, at OsteoStrong, in less than 10 minutes per week with the assistance of a trained specialist, you can rebuild bone density and strengthen your skeletal system. Additional benefits are improved posture, balance and athletic performance, and decreased joint and back pain. Prescription medications, which are most often recommended by doctors, have side effects including increased bone fragility, don’t rebuild bone density in the wrists, and the increase in bone density you do receive is only temporary.
OsteoStrong is a simple exercise system targeting the parts of the body that need strengthening for bone health. The weekly sessions, make it possible to regain the bone health of someone in their 20’s. Young people and athletes are even taking advantage of this program to maintain their physical health and strength. In just 4 months, I developed enough strength in my legs and core to press 7 times my weight, putting me into the area of rapid bone growth. In one year, I am in rapid bone growth in all 4 critical areas, and my latest bone scan proved that for the first time in several years my bone loss has stopped. I am certain that my next scan will show an increase in bone density. I’m just one person, but there is solid research with large numbers of people supporting the effectiveness of these exercises. The research results are below in my silver lining story. To listen to this show, I encourage you to click here.
Dr. Paula’s Tip of the Week
My Tip from my e-book, 33 Tips for Self-Empowerment is: Accept Compliments: Avoid the urge to discredit a compliment or to respond with a compliment. Train yourself to simply say, “thank you”. Then take the compliment into your body. Allow yourself to notice how good it feels. Your bones will appreciate it. Because love is the great healer, the more self-love you bring into your body, the healthier your thoughts, emotions, and body will be.
Dr. Paula’s Silver Lining Story
When I was in my 50’s, my older sister developed osteoporosis and warned me that it runs in the family and I should get tested. Since I have all of the risk factors associated with osteoporosis plus scoliosis and I wasn’t using hormone replacement therapy, I decided to follow up and get a bone density test. All this time, I have been going to the same specialist, considered to be the best in the city. During these 19 years, he has been giving me the exact same advice. It would have been more efficient to tape record him and replay the tape every 2 years. Last year he gave me recommendations that I know are no longer accurate. Certainly in 19 years, scientists have learned something new that the supposed experts should be sharing with their patients.
We were taught to trust our doctors. After all, they went to medical school. They must have all the answers. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. First, the medical model can limit a doctor’s thinking and their ability to see treatment in new ways. Just like we can get stuck in outmoded thinking, so can they. Second, doctors have difficulty keeping up with all the new information emerging in health and healing. Seeing patients, reading medical research, and paying attention to new approaches in alternative medicine can be too much for even the best intentioned doctors. Third, many doctors who do research at Universities receive part of their salary from pharmaceutical companies and/or government grants. For the research to be accurate, they must ask the same questions, give the same advice and measure the results in the same way for as long as the grant lasts. Therefore, even if new information is available to them, they can’t conduct their research, receive their salary, and give out that new information.
Consequently we keep being told the same things: take your calcium with vitamin D3 and exercise. And if this fails, which it usually does, your only option is to take medication. What they don’t tell you is that some of the medications actually hurt you by making your bones more fragile, causing them to break more easily. When people fall and break a hip, it’s usually because the hip already had a fracture which caused the person to fall. Furthermore no one knows what the long term effects of these medications are or the extent of the side effects. We are often bullied, by the voice of authority, into believing that we have no options. In a recent special on bone density shown on PBS, the authority told us there is no way to build bone density. Like many of our doctors, here was another trusted voice misleading us. Since I had been a researcher at a university, director of research in a public school system, and was married to a medical research scientist, I know enough to be able to dig into the research and figure some things out for myself. When I followed the doctor’s advice and still got osteoporosis, it was time to take my health into my own hands.
Here are the real facts on increasing bone density based on 152 peer reviewed research studies. In all of these studies, the participants were taking calcium supplements.
- Walking is the same as doing no exercise. Walking does not help build bone density.
- Weight bearing exercise increased bone density only about 1%.
- Bis-phosphonate drugs increased bone density about 2% but are also proven to make bones more brittle and susceptible to spontaneous breaks.
- Bone Anabolic drugs did increase bone density about 6%.
- OsteoStrong exercise increased bone density over 14%. This is proven to be the best treatment.
Regardless of age, weight, family history, and other risk factors, OsteoStrong can rebuild bone density to healthy levels, eliminating osteopenia and osteoporosis. Visit to get in touch with Deb McFarland or find a location near you at
The Effects of Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Abuse, and Trauma on Bone Density
There’s more you need to know. Stress, anxiety, and fear are major causes of bone density loss. Consequently, anything you do to decrease stress levels is good for overall health, including bones. In addition to the normal stresses we all have, over half of us have experienced or are currently experiencing trauma or abuse. If the trauma occurred in childhood, the detrimental effects on your bone density are even more severe because the trauma interfered with normal bone growth. When you are in a flight, fight, or freeze mode, your body readies itself by secreting calcium into your urine. Although the effects of trauma on health are well-documented, the impact on bone density has been overlooked. It’s time we add this information to our understanding of bone health and start removing the fears that are the root cause of adult bone loss.
Dr. Paula’s Coaching Response
Use these 5 techniques to assist you in healing your bones:
- Say these 3 sentences silently for 3 minutes every morning to remove all fear and stress connected to your bones: “Love is the beginning and the endless end. You are love as you are loved. All is love as all is loved.”
- Visualize these words “You Are Loved, All is Loved” going into your bones to turn on your body’s master healing cells.
- Every morning for optimal health, take a deep breath and visualize lavender light filling your body from the heavens and the earth and say: “I am made strong, whole and healthy through the light of God within me and all around me.”
- Visualize green hearts going from your heart chakra into all the bones in your body.
- Walk or sit in nature, especially by water or trees, to relax and remove negative energy.
My research also turned up what I consider to be the best supplements at the moment for calcium and bone regrowth. Some people I know take Grow Bone. The supplement I take is Raw Calcium. Do your own research and find what your body needs.
For more shows on health and healing, please listen to:
- February 15, 2018 with Pia Orleane, Using Natural Cycles to Recharge Your Life
- March 30, 2017 with Paulette Sherman, Sacred Baths To Improve Your Physical and Spiritual Life
- May 4, 2017 with Atherton Drenth, Stop The Negative Voices and Find Inner Peace
- July 20, 2017 with Susan Scurlock-Durana, Healing from Trauma by Reclaiming Your Body
To learn more about my unique process that removes hidden blockages, helps you solve your most challenging problems, and achieve success with ease and speed, sign up for my newsletter and receive the chapter as my gift: sign up here
Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their health, wealth and relationships through her writing, coaching, and speaking. Contact her today to get started on your personal journey. Recently Dr. Paula Joyce, Ph.D. was chosen by Expertise as one of the 16 Best Life Coaches in Dallas.
Cell: (214) 208-3533
To learn more about Dr. Paula, please visit her website at
To hear more shows from Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, please click here.