The Brain Wants to Heal

by | Apr 9, 2015 | Emotional Health, Physical Health

One of my clients had been diagnosed with PTSD as a result of the abuse he had
experienced throughout his life. Before we started working together, he went through a year-long structured program with a psychologist to treat his disorder. At the end of the prescribed time, he told the psychologist that he was still experiencing symptoms of PTSD, only to be told that he wasn’t trying hard enough and that it was his fault that he was still having difficulty. Frankly, I was shocked that a trained counselor would blame a client, thereby creating more pain, anxiety, self-blame and shame. We all have different time lines for healing and different methods that work for us. We must never give up on ourselves or allow anyone, even a trained professional, to hurt, blame or demean us. I was grateful that he felt safe enough with me to share this trauma and allow me to help him release the guilt that had been added to his already painful thoughts. Together we are working on releasing his PTSD by using my Ultimate Creative Problem Solving Process.

Impact on Children

Another client, who has been committed to removing the aftermath of an abusive
childhood, had the recent revelation that her father had been traumatized as a soldier in WWII when he helped liberate the inmates from two concentration camps. She was reading a book on the holocaust when she remembered that her father’s mother said that he was never the same after the war. He suffered and went without treatment because we were not conscious of the impact that war had on the servicemen and women. If you think about all of the untreated PTSD in the world, it helps us understand why so many children are raised in homes defined by trauma. As a world-wide community, we must begin to understand the impact that war has had on all of us.

This particular client has told me several times that our work results in miracles in her life. She recently said, “I see how it’s a process. It always amazes me when I have a new breakthrough because it just happens. I don’t have to force myself to make it happen. The change is natural and easy as I release the layers of fear.” And as those layers release, she sees the truth of her life and her relationships more clearly and finds herself responding rather than reacting to situations. She also sees what she can control and influence and what she can’t. It’s hard to realize that we can’t make other people heal. They are in charge of that choice, but we can heal ourselves. She has let go of the feeling of terror that she used to wake up with in the middle of the night, the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness and the belief that she would never have friends. Bit by bit her life is
changing in ways that she didn’t think possible before we began our work together.

Healing with Symbols

Since the soul communicates in symbols, for deep healing to occur, we have to remove the negative symbols that are stuck in our mind, emotions and energy field. When we remove the negative symbols and replace them with positive ones, it changes our energy. When our energy changes, we are lighter and more positive, which automatically brings more positive people, thoughts and experiences into our lives. This is what my client means by
the change happening without her having to force it. As we work with the Ultimate Creative Problem Solving Process, she removes the hurtful symbols and replaces them with positive ones. For instance, she might draw anxiety as a black chaotic ball and then replace it with a bright yellow sun or a butterfly. In the process, she feels the old pain, but doesn’t get stuck in it, which allows it to flow through quickly. Because the process is
guided by her own soul and guides, change occurs at the pace and in the way that is right for her.

This process came to me in a dream and is highly supported by the positive spiritual realm, which is why it’s so effective. One of the most fascinating things to me about this process, is that it supports self-empowerment and learning to listen to “the still small voice within.” Often a client will ask me to tell them what to do. When they are insistent, I usually comply. Invariably, however, at the next session, we have to revisit the same question. When the client works through the process of going deep into their own knowing, they are then able to hear, believe and act on the answers because as one client put it “It’s me telling me what I need to do and those are the only answers that really count.

Since 1993, Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their relationships, health, and wealth through her personal, business, and spiritual life coaching, speaking, writing, and radio show.