We are all connected through the One Mind as Dr. Larry Dossey calls it in his new book by that same name. The connection is through the consciousness that is bigger than we are as individuals. Some people call it love, Carl Jung called it the collective unconscious and Ralph Waldo Emerson called it the over soul. Others call it God, Allah, Goddess or Christ-consciousness. Whatever you call it, it is the energy that helps us know more than our individual minds are capable of knowing. Here are some ways that the One Mind operates in my life.
You Tube Interview
Degrace from Africa found me through my monthly meetup group, Creative Problem Solving Group Coaching. He was looking for people to interview for his project “Be Outstanding.” His mission is to find people with an important message to share, video tape his interview with them, and then put the videos up on You Tube. When I went to his website to determine if this was something I wanted to participate in, I was stunned to see that he literally used the words “uplift your life.” This was not a coincidence; this was a synchronicity. I knew I wanted to participate. When I met him, the rapport was immediate and best of all, he wanted to have a conversation, not a typical interview. This was a man after my own heart. We had a great time together and he wrote me this beautiful note: “Dr. Paula, That was amazing! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. It was magical. Stay Terrific!” That email made my week. I will let you all know when the video is up on You Tube so that you can watch it.
Talk about One Mind. Wow! Here’s this man from a country in another continent that I’ve never visited, finding me on the internet and using the same words I do with the same conversational interview-style. And all this the week before we’re talking about Larry Dossey’s new book, One Mind. The universe is a beautiful place when you stop to pay attention to the connectedness and love instead of focusing on the struggles. In fact, ancient wisdom says that challenges are a given but struggle is optional.
Group Coaching Meet-up
Yesterday, I had the group coaching meetup that I just mentioned. We were a few minutes into the session, when one of the participants said, I think someone just rang the doorbell. I didn’t hear anything, but I decided to check anyway. A relatively new member to the group was just parking. Since he moves slowly, I decided to go back to the group instead of waiting for him to come to the door. When it seemed to be taking too long, I went to check on him. By then, he was ringing my next door neighbor’s bell. If the woman in the group hadn’t thought she heard my doorbell, he may never have found us. I understood this as the One Mind taking care of him through the other participant to ensure that he was able to find his way to us with as much ease as possible.
I love this kind of experience, and it’s one of the ways that I know I am loved and being taken care of. This same man who almost didn’t get to our meeting added an element of humor, which is always helpful. And he also made sure I knew he appreciated me by saying more than once: Isn’t she wonderful? I could get used to that! Even more than the compliments, though, I was grateful for being able to help the people there. I never stop being amazed at how total strangers come together: different ages, different life experiences, and different blockages that they want to release. Yet their blocks and stories are all connected in some profound and important ways. So much so that by the end of the meeting they are shaking hands, exchanging good wishes and
saying that they are looking forward to seeing each other next month. They always leave feeling lighter and having received answers to the problems that have plagued them, often for years. Bit by bit, the pain and fears of the past release and their lives become what they want.
The groups and workshops that I conduct continue to remind me of how the One Mind works. The participants are often connected in very specific ways. For instance, at this last meeting, one participant mentioned something that had not surfaced in the 4 years that she has been coming, and she only talked about it because of something a new participant said; and it was a breakthrough because she was ready for it and his experience triggered the revelation. Another group I led was composed of only women, all of whom had been sexually abused. They did not know each other previously, and in fact, the group had a few times before this connection was revealed. Another group was composed of people who wanted to be or already were authors. These kinds of connections are not coincidences. They are the One Mind working to bring the people together who need to be together.
The more you pay attention to these synchronicities, the more you will discover them in your life and the more full of wonder and love your life will become. It can even be simple things, but there is always a message, if we are willing to look for it and acknowledge it. For instance, the other day I was writing a birthday check to my youngest daughter who turned 30 on March 31. The check number was 3031. What are the odds?! The numbers showed her age 30 and also her birthday 3 for March and then 31. I took this as a very positive sign for our connectedness and good fortune for her this year. The omens continued when she received the birthday card and check at 1a.m. the morning of her birthday upon returning from a week-end birthday celebration. None of this could have been planned by me, but the universe was clearly doing some serious planning. Some things like these connections are just fun. Others can be guidance or premonitions or learning.
Those of you who listen regularly to my radio show, know that I have a strong connection with nature and often get messages through various animals. The other day, I was trying to decide whether to take a particular trip, weighing the pros and cons and hearing some old internal messages that began with “you should” and were taking me down a path that was old and familiar but not really what I wanted to do. It didn’t fit the new me, but my mind was trying to pull me back to the old ways. Out of nowhere, a duck suddenly flew to the ground just outside my window. It came with such a flourish that it caught my attention. I knew it was telling me that I needed to do what was emotionally satisfying for me and not be tempted to ignore my own needs. As soon as I made the decision, I knew it was the right one because I felt relief. That duck saved me a lot of angst. It was part of the One Mind, hearing my difficulty and giving me guidance.
Bring in More Light
We are all connected like a jigsaw puzzle. We are responsible for our piece of the puzzle, our life and well-being, and it affects all the pieces around us which in turn affects the pieces around them and so on. We can literally affect world peace by creating peace within ourselves. We are responsible for the energy within ourselves, and we can create light or darkness and spread that into the world. When we see someone with whom we have a history of unpleasant interactions, if
we see the light of God in them, we will create more positivity. It will uplift our own energy and all of the future interactions with those people. This may sound difficult, but if you are willing to try it, you will be surprised by the successful results and the feeling of satisfaction that it gives you. I can tell you that it works for me and it changes everything because we truly are all connected.