Typically my clients follow no particular pattern regarding gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or age. In fact, my 2 newest clients are in their late 60’s. I find this encouraging. If what you’re doing isn’t working, then it’s never too late to seek help. As one person said: “My life has caught up with me, and I’m in trouble physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.” We can continue to do what we always did and get the same results or we can choose to do something different. As Dr. Bernie Siegel said: It doesn’t matter when you change, even if it’s in your last breath. We can all choose to stop surviving and start living. Strength is knowing when to ask for help.
The Spiritual Path
Like my new client, there came a time a number of years ago when my life caught up with me. On the outside everything looked great. I had a successful career, all my children were doing well in school, my husband was successful and we had a beautiful home. So why was I miserable? Years of therapy had not changed how I felt. This deep sadness caused me to set out on a search for God. I did not have a near-death experience, like Stephanie Banks. I did, however, fee lost. The way I was living my life was not fulfilling my deepest needs.
What has been so amazing to me is the way I have been led to different experiences and different people, as if someone had written a curriculum for me. This is not a simple curriculum, though, because every time I make a choice, the curriculum has to change in order to continue to lead me to the people and experiences that will continue to help me grow in the way and at the rate that is right for me. It’s like a huge jigsaw puzzle and how the spiritual realm fits all of the pieces together is truly beyond the human mind to comprehend.
I can comprehend, however, that the better I get at listening to my limitless higher self and my guides and angels, the easier, happier, better my life becomes. As I pay attention to the signs, messages and synchronicities and spend less time judging and more time listening, I learn, grow and change in ways that create more peace and joy. And the guests who I have on my show, Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, are part of this journey. They seem to appear in the order and at the time that I need their particular message.
Silver Lining
And that brings me to my silver lining story for today. When I was with my family, over my birthday, I had to release some of my illusions and face some truths that I had not been ready to see until that moment. As I was processing this new information and coming to terms with it, I reread Belinda Womack’s chapter on Attachment. I had the sudden realization that attachment is not only to material things but even more importantly, attachment is to expectations and outcomes. When I needed people to behave in a certain way, I was unintentionally judging them, setting them up for failure and setting myself up for disappointment.
At the same time that this awareness was settling into my conscious mind, I was looking up videos on YouTube that demonstrated using EFT or tapping to help me get rid of the indigestion that I had been experiencing. I noticed that some key words kept coming up, which led me to piece together what I needed to do in order to move into a place of complete acceptance of what is. The bottom line is that if we truly and completely accept, forgive, love and trust ourselves, we don’t need anyone else to be or do anything in particular. Simple but not easy. I have been on this path of healing myself for a long time now. This was just the next layer that I needed in order to let go of my expectations of what it means to be a good mother. I realized that I cannot correct the past. I cannot change who their father was or who I was when they were children. More importantly, from a spiritual perspective, they chose the family they were born into and they chose the life path they are on now. They must do their learning in their way and in their time, just like I did and continue to do. What I can do is accept them, see them with the eyes of compassion, empathy and unconditional love. As I released my guilt, I made room for this overwhelming feeling of love.
The silver lining was a joyful family experience. It was the best Thanksgiving I have ever had and actually the best time I have ever had with my family. The feeling of gratitude was deep and real. In giving up my expectations, I was truly able to be in the moment without self-judgment or judgment of others. That left me free to be discerning. I was able to respond, not react, in ways that were positive and affirming for all of us. I found myself just being, laughing and loving freely because I had truly let go of attachment and was trusting myself to know when to just observe, and if action was appropriate, how to do it with unconditional love. That energy turned out to be a magnet attracting the adults and children to me. I’m just at the beginning of this lesson so I’m sure there will be more learning as I’m challenged to deepen my mastery of non-attachment. Since healing happens in layers, I’m sure that there are deeper layers of self-forgiveness, acceptance, unconditional love and trust that I will be called upon to experience. For now, I’m grateful for this new feeling of ease and joy.
Trusting Yourself
The last piece of this story is about trusting myself. Since I’m growing in my capabilities as a psychic, I have to trust the information I’m receiving at even deeper levels than I have up until now, and that means trusting myself more. And that was the blessing of perfect timing in having Stephanie Banks as my next guest. Following her on her journey of learning self-trust, helps all of us learn to trust ourselves.
What are you going to do to begin to listen to your intuition?