Asking for a sign
During last week’s show, my friend, Miriam called in with a question. Since it was at the end of the show, we didn’t have much time. So I called her to make sure that she felt satisfied with the answer. She did and as we continuing the conversation, she said that she was really frustrated because she couldn’t find an important document. I suggested that she stop her frantic searching and say the following: I give my guides permission in a positive way only to show me where I put the document. She followed my instructions and immediately went to a stack of papers that she had already looked through twice. This time, she went directly to the missing document. Miriam could have thought that it was just by chance that she went back to that particular stack and found what she needed or she could have seen it as the guidance that it was. When we acknowledge that the Universe really is communicating with us, our lives change for the better. I have used this technique numerous times to find my keys, lost jewelry, directions or a person in a crowded venue to name a few examples. It works every time.
Our guides and angels are always present and trying to communicate with us. Since we have free will, we need to ask for their help and guidance. They can only do so much without our explicit permission. I add the words “in a positive way only” because we can experience life through positive experiences or ones that are more challenging. When we ask for something to manifest in a positive way only, we are telling our guides that we want good things and we want to learn our lessons through ease and joy. We are coming into a time now on the earth plane where learning through the positive is going to be more common. No request is too big or too small. They want to help us and are grateful when we ask.
The signs, symbols and synchronicities in our lives are constant, but in our skepticism we can spend a lot of time denying them. When we open up to the possibility of these magical experiences, we feel connected, joyful and grateful. Last week, for instance, my phone decided to call my daughter who was on a hike. It was sitting next to me and I hadn’t touched it. I assumed she would be out of communication, and I just thought it was a technological glitch. Within 2 minutes, I received a group text from her telling us that she had completed her adventure. My phone was dialing her while she was writing her text. My guides were alerting me that she was safe and back in communication.
One of my new clients also pays attention to messages. She told me how she felt that she had been led to me. She described hearing about one of my upcoming radio shows on her car radio. It sounded interesting so she found the on-demand episode and enjoyed it. Then she was at the yoga center where I had officed for a while and saw my literature. She understood these as signs that I was the person who she needed to see. These were synchronicities, not coincidences. She had tears in her eyes as she relayed the sequence of events. When you know at that deep level that your guides are helping you, life becomes a blessing.
I was working with another client last week, when a yellow petal fell off of a rose that was next to us. It was so dramatic that both of us noticed. We were discussing the block that she had just drawn, which was in the color yellow and looked like a ball of yarn that was unraveling. I was saying that it represented the fear that she was releasing from her third chakra and how it explained the physical discomfort she had been feeling in that area. The yellow petal falling off was a signal confirming that the fear was falling away. It was like a loud exclamation point from guides. It was such a beautiful moment. It really felt like time stood still.
Paying Attention
Whether it’s personal or professional, I am always noticing the communication. The other day, my oldest daughter’s deceased godmother was sending her love through my acupuncturist and her daughter. She had contacted me in his office previously. That time, she came to me during my treatment and asked me to take care of her daughter. On my way out, I was surprised to see her daughter in the waiting room. I had no idea we were both going to the same acupuncturist. I arranged for us to have dinner and have seen her numerous times since then through synchronicity rather than by design. On this particular day, Dr. Chen mentioned a new client of his who came in because of pancreatic cancer. He had never mentioned another client before and I immediately thought of my daughter’s godmother who had died of the same illness. When I left his office, I went to do my grocery shopping and ran into her daughter. We hugged and she blurted out, “It’ll be 16 years this week.” I know her mother brought us together so that I could give her daughter that hug and listen to her relay experiences that other people would not have appreciated or even understood. I eased the pain of her loss and we got to share our mutual love for her mother. We parted with another hug and a commitment to share another meal.
My guides were also busy this week sending messages through the animal kingdom. One of my favorites is when a grasshopper plants itself on my window, as it did a couple of days ago. There is no denying that it is there for me, telling me that I’m about to take a big leap forward in my life. Earlier that day a large group of red tailed hawks flew into my visual field. I often see one or two, but this was unusual. Then, twice on that same day, a flock of geese flew directly over my window in the shape of a V, honking the whole time. This was a new experience for me and very exciting. Just the sheer beauty and power of seeing these large birds so close to me and coming right at me was spectacular. So many strong messages coming on the same day was telling me to pay special attention. Something big is happening.
Silver Linings
My silver lining story this week is also about an animal. My cat, Benji is very dear to me. I knew he helps me by transmuting negative energy, but I didn’t fully understand how until I called a pet psychic when Benji chose to use my office floor instead of his litter box. He told her that he was marking my space to clear it of negative energies that my clients were releasing. I suspected that this was the case but thinking it and knowing it are very different. She was able to tell him that I can keep my own space clear, which I do. The best part was that she told him how much I appreciate his help. I’ve told him before but now we have a mutual understanding. I also learned that he chose me because he wanted to be of service and help me with my clients. That was a beautiful silver lining. This crisis brought us closer together as a team and helped me understand why I like to see my clients in my home office. Plus, I now have a pet psychic who I trust to have on the show.
I’d love to hear from you. How are you going to start paying better attention to the signs, symbols and synchronicities in your life?
For more information on signs, symbols, and synchronicity, please check out Robert Moss and his book Sidewalk Oracles. Our interview can be listened to here on demand.