Art3Here is a technique for manifesting what you want in 2016:
1. Do this sometime between December 30th and January 1st.
2. Spend no more than about an hour doing this. Simplicity is important.
3. Put yourself in a positive frame of mind, think of something that makes you happy, feel the limitless possibilities for your life. You can even say: “I allow my mind to be open to the limitless potential of my Higher Self and that love connects my higher mind with my conscious mind.”
4. Play some instrumental music in the background as you write out the script of what you want your life to be and what you will be doing in 2016.
5. Write it on parchment paper, if you can find it, or white paper if you can’t.
6. Choose the color ink that feels good to you, maybe silver, gold or purple and bless the pen by holding it and asking God, your higher self, your soul to bless it
7. Then take a piece of construction paper in the color that represents to you a joyous and happy 2015 and cut it into a geometric shape that feels positive to you. Then paste or tape it onto the parchment paper.
8. Now put your hands over the paper, ask God, your soul, your higher self to bless your life for 2015. Then visualize the life you want in 2016. See it happening. Then envision a vine going from your paper into the earth thereby grounding it into your earthly experience.
9. Now put it up where you’ll walk by it and see it.
10. As your manifestations come true, be sure to say thank you and feel the gratitude.
For more information on Successful Manifestation, check out my upcoming workshop.