Candice Covington has a unique and powerful approach to the use of essential oils. In a recent episode from my radio show, Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, Candice and I talked about using Essential Oils for Personal Transformation. She combines numerous systems which add to the effectiveness of the oils. Depending on your purpose, you can add the appropriate chant, color, number, geometric shape and more. Because each of these spiritual techniques alone will raise your vibration, using several of them together adds that much more energy to the effectiveness of the essential oils. Because the oils work on a vibrational level, they can go deeper than talk therapy. Candice emphasized that they can change your inner being and even offered this suggestion for allowing the oils to guide you: put out all your oils, pour your heart out describing what is upsetting you and what you want, and use your left hand to scan over all of the oils and pick the one where you feel a vibration or a change in temperature. For more information, I encourage you to listen to this show. Just click here.
Dr. Paula’s Tip of the Week
My Tip from my e-book, 33 Tips for Self-Empowerment is: Carry Lavender: Lavender draws good luck to you. Keep a small amount of lavender oil or the dried leaves in your pocket or purse. Lavender is probably m favorite essential oil. In addition to bringing good luck, it’s also calming and pleasant smelling. I put a drop on my palm every morning. I put some in a diffuser that I run all of the time. I spray some on my pillow at night for more relaxed sleep, and I use it in rituals to bring in financial abundance. In addition, when I do office and house clearings and blessings, it’s one of the essential oils in my proprietary spray because it helps clear negative energy and also brings in positive energy, raising the vibration in the space.
Lavender was the first essential oil I ever used. In 2005, my closest friend suffered a stroke. Several of us were gathered in the hospital waiting room for days while she lay unconscious. As time went on, the waiting became harder and a friend shared his lavender oil to help calm me. It worked beautifully and since then I have always kept a small bottle with me. It was also the beginning of my fascination with essential oils, which has led to an expansion of my knowledge and ability to use the oils in new and creative ways. I even keep lavender oil handy for small cuts because of its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory purposes.
Dr. Paula’s Silver Lining Story
As I shared last week, I was at the 1963 Poor People’s March in Washington DC and heard Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his “I Have a Dream” speech. Synchronistically, I was in Washington DC this last Monday for the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, which began 40 days of actions, including marches and other non-violent activities. It was especially meaningful to me for many reasons. The most obvious one is the privilege of twice standing up and expressing my desire for a government and a nation that values each and every individual equally. Another joy was to be there the second time because of my daughter’s passion for social justice. To know that she shares the same values and is carrying forth the work that I began all those years ago warms my heart. At a time when how much money you make often defines a person’s self-worth, I find it reassuring that she knows making a difference in the world is what really matters. She is teaching her children the same values by taking them with her whenever possible and keeps them informed of the progress on different initiatives of importance. Although she’s in Maryland and I’m in Texas, we share a commitment to creating a just and compassionate world. Being united on a passion for social justice gives us a special connection and closeness that makes it a little easier to be so many miles apart.
Marian Stephens’ Story
After a few months of listening to Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, intensive self-reflection, meditation, conversations with my husband, reading, and writing about the experience, I have achieved what feels like a significant emotional breakthrough. I had the painful experience of crying over the course of a few days, and a few periods of crying since, but it brought about a new understanding of the pain I have carried with me. With the experience of feeling true pain, I am also experiencing a renewed sense of pleasure. I woke up this morning exhausted with a long morning ahead of me, so I took a quick bath. The hot water felt exhilarating – soothing and rejuvenating all at once. I felt equipped to handle my morning after the bath, and I realized that I have not been appreciating simple pleasures for some time. Managing some of the difficulties in life necessitated that I put all feeling on hold. To not feel the pain, I also did not feel the pleasure. Now the trick is to balance my sensitivity to both and not let my emotions overrun me.
I also experienced what I believe is a true breakthrough related to my physical health two weeks ago. I was not sure at first if it was only a fluke, but I believe it was not and is not. My husband and I took a few of the kids to the park to play tennis – he has been a lifelong tennis player. I played tennis in junior high and high school, and always enjoyed it. I was watching Rob teach the boys some basic drills, and I thought, “That looks like fun, maybe I should try…” and I immediately heard my ego voice say, “Don’t bother. You can barely even walk, much less run.” And I said, “That is BS! I am going to try.” So, I grabbed a tennis racket and walked over and joined in. Rob and I began to play, and it just felt great. I am not very good. We use balls that are for teaching kids, and it is extremely difficult to move my feet, but it is so much fun. I confronted my fears and insecurities. Period. And, I am so glad.
This week’s episode with Candice Covington was fascinating. She explains the practical use of essential oils in a beautiful, but frank, manner that is easy to understand. Dr. Paula asks listeners how they would use essential oils to improve their life, and I want to use them to become more courageous and decisive. I purchased her book, and I am intrigued. All the work that I have been doing feels very intellectual, and I discovered after listening that I have been waiting for something that is hands-on to add. She combines elements of spirituality with self-discovery and research to devise ways to use the oils. I look forward to sharing my experience with her methodology.
Dr. Paula’s Coaching Response
Marian, all of those tears released a huge amount of negative energy, fears and worries that have been building up inside of you. In doing so, you made room for more fun, joy and positive experiences to come into your life, like choosing to play tennis just for the fun of it. What a fabulous gift you gave yourself! We have a false belief in our society that being strong means not crying, having a stiff upper lip, and putting on a happy face. The truth is that we must allow ourselves to feel our pain and then let it go. Otherwise it gets stuck in our body as physical pain. Your courage in allowing yourself to feel and cry was directly connected with your courage to allow yourself to have fun.
Many of us have a hidden belief that we don’t deserve to have a good life. We carry around huge amounts of guilt and self-blame, thinking we are responsible for all that is not working in our families and our relationships. The more we are able to see ourselves as beautiful human beings who carry a piece of the Divine within us, the more we will be able to see the good in ourselves. We are here on earth to learn. Therefore not being perfect is necessary for us to be engaged in the process of learning. Instead of berating ourselves for not being perfect, it is time we learn to compliment ourselves for what we are doing right, how we are growing, what we are learning, and how we are becoming more compassionate, more loving, stronger, more forgiving of ourselves and others and so on, including letting go of guilt and a belief that we need to be perfect in order to be loved. We need to realize that we are good enough as we are, and we already are deeply loved by God and the spiritual realm because we are a child of Infinite Love.
To feel deserving, we need to love our Self, give positive affirmations to our Self, and complement our Self more. It is a profound way to open your heart and stop self-sabotage and self-destructive patterns. The angels gave me this affirmation to share widely. It comes from the spirit and soul and goes into the deepest parts of your mind, body and soul. Say it often:
I am beautiful
I am wise
I deserve to be loved
I am willing and allowing Love
I allow it, I deserve it, I am it
For previous shows on Essential Oils:
- Essential Oils for Physical and Emotional Healing with Lauren Margolies, September 18, 2014
- Sacred Baths to Improve Your Physical and Spiritual Life Paulette Sherman, March 30, 2017
- Using Essential Oils to Improve Your Health and Well-Being with Kac Young, April 13, 2017
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Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped thousands of people improve their health, wealth and relationships through writing, coaching and speaking. Contact her today to get started on your personal journey.
Cell: (214) 208-3533
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To hear more shows from Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, please click here.