I invited Stephan to come back on a recent episode of my radio show, Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, to talk about Creating Lasting Personal and Social Change. We talked more about his book, The 8 Laws of Social Change, because people are really struggling to stay positive in these troubling times. The Week Magazine stated: “Americans are more glum now than they were during the Great Recession according to the Gallup-Sharecare well-being index. In a surprise to the researchers, 2017 turned out to be the the worst year since 2008. People are not content in their jobs and their relationships, with many blaming politics and polarization for feelings of anxiety toward work, colleagues and family.”
I find Stephan’s message to be one we all need right now. It’s a message of hope with specific guidance on what we can do to make a difference. His research shows that lasting change does not come about through violence, dictatorships or even elected officials. He pointed out that Mussolini and Hitler were both elected. Real change occurs when enough individuals set an intention to make compassionate life-affirming choices for the well-being of all every day, all day long. You may not like the choices, but committing to making the best choice available to you for the well-being of all, changes who you are on the inside. That, in turn, affects everyone you come in contact with, and like a good virus, spreads well-being, love and light. It’s as simple as choosing to smile at someone or opening a door or saying “good morning.” The point of change is the individual, which means you can make a difference. Please choose to be among those who set an intention to make compassionate life-affirming choices for the well-being of all.
What we intend and what we do matters more than we know. This is the simple conclusion to 16 years of research. We do not need to be wealthy, have an important job title or influential friends. All we need to do is act consistently for the well-being of all. When 10% of the population chooses to do this, the world will change. In our current times, many of us are feeling frustrated and helpless. It’s as if we’re all living with PTSD and in a constant state of flight, fight or freeze. Knowing that we can influence the greater good eases our minds and hearts and gives us peace and hope.
You can take it one step further and ask your family, friends and colleagues to join you and others all over this planet. As one listener wrote: “Like many people I know, I have been grappling with ways to demonstrate and voice my concerns with civil rights and the state of things in our country, and I found much solace and empowerment in what Stephan Schwartz shared. I was so inspired that I listened to his previous show and purchased his book, which I look forward to reading.” To listen to this show, I encourage you to click here.
Dr. Paula’s Tip of the Week
My Tip from my e-book, 33 Tips for Self-Empowerment is: Keep a Success Journal. It’s easy to take for granted what is working in our lives and just focus on what is absent. In a special journal, take a few minutes every day to write down 1 to 3 ways in which you were successful in your emotional responses, thoughts, words or actions. Include changes in your relationships, work, health and/or finances. Even the smallest action or new thought can be a major personal victory. The more you do this, the better you will feel about yourself, and the better you feel about yourself, the easier it is to make compassionate life-affirming choices that contribute to the well-being of all. You could even dedicate your journal to aligning your intention to make compassionate life-affirming choices for the well-being of all with your thoughts, words and actions. When just 10% of us commit to this, we will create lasting social transformation. Even if you don’t like the choices before you, you can still choose the best one available. The key is committing to thinking, saying and acting in compassionate life-affirming ways for the well-being of all. If we are afraid to speak up, if we make fun of people, if we engage in name calling or referring to people in any demeaning way, we are putting out negative vibrations which work against our positive intentions and choices. Included in our compassionate life-affirming choices, must be the choice to speak our truth and to do it in a civil and respectful way. I do so by stating facts. We must know the truth and speak the truth in a compassionate life-affirming way for the well-being of all.
For Previous Shows Like This:
- Create Change by Making Compassionate, Life-Affirming Choices with Stephan A. Schwartz on September 22, 2016
- The Love America Tour with Marianne Williamson on May 10, 2018
- The Goddess in the New World with Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner on October 13, 2016
To learn more about my unique process that removes hidden blockages, helps you solve your most challenging problems, and achieve success with ease and speed, sign up for my newsletter and receive the chapter as my gift: sign up here
Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their health, wealth and relationships through her writing, coaching, and speaking. Contact her today to get started on your personal journey. Recently Dr. Paula Joyce, PhD was chosen by Expertise as one of the 16 Best Life Coaches in Dallas.
Cell: (214) 208-3533
Email: drpaula@paulajoyce.com
To learn more about Dr. Paula, please visit her website at www.drpaulajoyce.com.
To hear more shows from Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, please click here.