In a recent episode from my radio show, Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, my guests, Kac Young and Marlene Morris, recount the night of the California blaze and the heroic measures one neighbor took to save lives. In addition to sharing some of that information in this blog, Marian Stephens talks about how she is using the information in the episode to change her life and I respond with my life coaching advice. More of Marian’s story and all my previous blogs are on my website, Be sure to check them out.
Dr. Paula’s Tip of the Week
To completely emotionally heal from a trauma requires a great deal of work on an already taxed mind, spirit, and body. Rose Quartz is known to promote and support unconditional love, which is exactly what a trauma survivor’s weary heart needs.
My tip for the week from my e-book, 33 Tips for Self-Empowerment, is Carry Rose Quartz: It is emotionally healing in a gentle way. Wear a piece of rose quartz jewelry or carry a small piece with you in your pocket or purse. When something traumatic happens, we need all the help we can get. Sometimes passive help can be the best. If we are struggling, it is often hard to remember what we know we need to do; or if we remember, we may not be able to do it because we are too emotionally overwhelmed. Rose quartz is a passive way of healing. You just wear it, carry it and/or have it near you on a table. I keep some on my window sill, on my counter, in my purse and I have a rose quartz ring that I wear all the time. If it starts to turn grey or if you lose it, that’s just the Universe telling you it’s time to get a new one because that piece of rose quartz has done its job. They are inexpensive, and if you don’t have a store near you that carries them, it’s easy to buy them on the internet. Pink is also the color of success. So, using rose quartz has a built-in guarantee of success. It may take some time, but you can trust that if you keep working at it, you will succeed.
Dr. Paula’s Silver Lining Story
Anxiety and panic attacks can creep in at unexpected, and never desired, moments. Simple techniques to alleviate anxiety are invaluable tools to have to heal your mind, spirit, and body; healing one’s self is the first step to healing the world around us.
One of my clients was bullied as a child because of his effeminate mannerisms. This left him with a great deal of fear about being in public places because people might humiliate him again. I gave him a technique to use to relieve his anxiety and panic attacks. I want to share it with you to help you heal yourself and the world. As we heal ourselves, our vibration increases, and we automatically spread more positive energy everywhere we go.
Since we are all experiencing a great deal of trauma with more mass shootings, natural disasters, revelations of dishonesty within the United States government and fears about war or terrorism, we all need techniques to eliminate our anxiety and panic attacks. Please create this image, keep it with you and look at it when you feel anxious or are in the middle of a panic attack. Draw a pink heart with a rainbow inside and completely surround it with gold dots. This image vibrates with the energy of love. If you choose, you can add a prayer for your own healing and release from anxiety and panic attacks. Say whatever is in your heart, using your words.
Marian Stephens’ Story
Dr. Paula’s tip of the week to carry or wear rose quartz is exciting to me because I have wanted a new pendant for my necklace and now I have the perfect reason. I love the idea of having a healing power that sits right by my heart, so I ordered a beautiful heart shaped pendant from Amazon. This week has been an exciting week for me because I have had so much more energy. All the work I am doing combined with the beautiful weather has given me a burst of renewed energy. Every night my house has been so calm and peaceful, our morning drive to school has happened earlier and easier, and I have felt an effortless connection with my eldest son. These are incredible improvements in a few short weeks. I look forward to each new show and the lessons contained within all week long so that I can gain a new tool.
This week’s episode was a beautiful story that I find incredibly inspiring. Kac Young and Marlene Morris lost almost everything and endured a frightening trauma, and yet they are gracious, funny, uplifting women. I laughed and cried with their story, and I hope to emulate their courageous spirits. A neighbor of theirs, they called her an Angel in a hoodie, alerted them to the fire raging behind their house all while she was losing 100% of her house and belongings. She also alerted houses all down their street, saving people’s lives and belongings – she is a true hero who set an amazing example for her children. I like to think that I would do the same in the face of danger. This story is a reminder that Universal love is in, and works through, each one of us. I know how important it is to be grateful and count my blessings, and to not do so at the expense of other’s tragedies. There are so many wonderful things about my life, and it is only getting better. I know that I will handle my next difficulty with increased courage and grace, with Kac and Marlene’s story in my heart.
My youngest son, Max, has been struggling with anxiety about his performance in school. We are both going to draw the picture Dr. Paula outlines in her Silver Lining Story – he will carry it in his backpack, and I’ll carry mine in my purse. Anxiety creeps in on me when I least expect it, often in public, so having this drawing to help me release my anxiety is reassuring.
Dr. Paula’s Life Coaching Response
Gratitude is an aspect of love, and as such, it is one of the most healing and powerful emotions any of us can have. When we find gratitude, even in the smallest things, we automatically shift our emotions into a more positive place. Gratitude for sunshine or a moment of peace goes a long way to improve our mood, raise our vibration and increase our happiness. The more we can create an attitude of gratitude, the better our lives become. It’s good to build in specific times during the day to find gratitude in whatever way you can. Find the times that work best for you. For instance, when you eat or brush your teeth or wake up and go to sleep. If you do this with your children, they learn the habit of being grateful.
For more shows on healing from adversity:
- The Power of Writing Our Personal Stories to Heal, Grow and Transform Our Lives with Sandra Marinella – June 8, 2017
- Enlightenment for Busy People with Dr. Marcie Anderson – September 14, 2017
- Big Love with Scott Stabile – October 26, 2017
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