In a recent episode from my top-ranked radio show, Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, my guest, Marianne Williamson, and I discuss the importance of spirituality in politics and the purpose of her current “The Love America Tour.” Marianne Williamson says: “Nothing could be more important right now than that we find a way to be enlightened in the area of politics.” Consequently, she has dedicated her 2018 travel schedule to The Love America Tour. This is about bipartisanship. It’s about the leader within each of us bringing our spiritual principles of compassion, integrity, kindness, and generosity to the forefront of our politics. It’s about principles of justice, brotherhood, unity, equality, and a government of the people, by the people and for the people–meaning all the people. It’s about the moral principles of inclusiveness and taking care of each other. Marianne will be in Dallas on May 17 at the Majestic Theater. You can purchase tickets on the CSLDallas website. If you don’t live in the Dallas area, her tour schedule is on her regular website and on The Love America Tour website. I encourage you to listen to her very powerful message in my on-demand show and then in person.
Dr. Paula’s Tip of the Week
Fear is like a bad virus; if it is given room to multiply in our minds, it will spread and infiltrate our body. That fear-based stories dominate the news is out of our control. What is within our control is how we respond to the news. Being informed, active citizens who take positive action is the key to progress in our country.
Your tip for the week from my e-book, 33 Tips for Self-empowerment is: Limit Your Access to the News. Too much news can create fear, sadness and depression. Minimize your exposure to things that you cannot change. Watching the news can be more upsetting than listening to it or reading it. Pay attention to your responses to the different media and get your news in the way that upsets you the least. Yes, stay informed but don’t dwell on it. According to the Gallup-Sharecare well-being index, people are unhappy in their jobs and their relationships and blame politics for their feelings of anxiety toward family and co-workers. We, however, are responsible for how we respond to upsetting news. Instead of placing blame or feeling helpless, many people are taking action.
Dr. Paula’s Silver Lining Story
All the discord, hatred and injustice that is dominating our politics and infecting our nation is forcing people out of complacency. Like in the 60’s and 70’s people are standing up and speaking out. They are turning their anger into righteous indignation and acting for the good of all. In 1963, I participated in the Poor People’s March in Washington DC and heard Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his “I have a Dream” speech. On Monday, May 14th, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is beginning 40 days of action, including marches and other non-violent activities. Again, I will be there. This time it’s because of my daughter, who works for an organization seeking social justice for all. By luck, or Divine planning, I’ll be visiting her that very week-end, and we’ll go together to this historic event. I love the synchronicity of my being in DC on just the right day and the joy of being there with my daughter, who is carrying on the important work of creating a better world for all people and working diligently in support of candidates who want a just and moral government.
Marian Stephens’ Story
This week’s episode of Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is a truly unique opportunity to gain insight into how to effect change in America on a personal level. Marianne Williamson is going to be in Dallas on May 17 sharing her Love America Tour, and this is an exciting chance to connect with each other and get our country back on track by starting a conversation to gain a deeper understanding of democracy and become a responsible and active citizen. I am passionate about civil rights, equality, and being an ethical and good person, and this show is an excellent resource for effecting change on a personal level.
Marianne Williamson states that one of the problems our country is facing is an epidemic of under-parenting. I find this to be very accurate based on my observations of and experiences with other families. There is a major disconnect in homes; everyone is on an electronic device and not having conversations with each other–my home included. I am making what feels like a herculean effort to connect with my children, encourage their individuality, and have meaningful conversations each day. I am always looking for ways to bring my family together to converse, learn, and grow. I believe the only way to teach our children morals and values is to have conversations with them which takes a great deal of time and patience. Our education system is also an invaluable resource for helping our children become good men and women. Dr. Paula eloquently states:
I do believe arts education is an important part of the answer. It taps into, not just our creativity, but also our heart. When you are truly in a creative mode, you aren’t in a thinking mode, you are in a mode that connects you with the spiritual realm and your heart. In fact, children do better on their tests and in reading, math and their academics when they also have arts education. It creates a well-rounded individual, one who might be less willing to say, I like a politician’s intellectual policy even though I don’t like their values.
Marianne Williamson’s book, Everyday Grace, is a significant reason that I have been able to successfully navigate the rough waters that come about when raising a child with special needs while dealing with the often-debilitating symptoms related to my Multiple Sclerosis. It really helped me understand on every level that I cannot control every circumstance. I can only control how I react to a given circumstance. When put into practice, this is the most powerful tool we possess to create our personal Universe. Dr. Paula’s tip of the week is to minimize our exposure to the news. Combining that with working to control our reactions to what news we are exposed to is an excellent starting point for becoming active in politics and/or learning to defend our personal Universe from unwanted influences.
Dr. Paula’s Coaching Response
Marian, you have so many important insights here. One message that I often share is that no matter what is going on in the world, each of us has an individual responsibility to keep our own attitude positive. Each of us is responsible for our own joy, happiness and optimism. Joining forces with like-minded people who share our world view and are also working for social justice and the betterment of the world, can help us stay positive. We often think that we are all alone, but that is never the case. The positive spiritual realm is full of love for each and every one of us. We can always turn our thoughts back to love when we connect to the spiritual realm. In addition, it helps to be with people who value you and what you believe. Become part of the solution. Determine what you can realistically do given the financial, physical and emotional resources that you have available to you. I think it’s important to be realistic and not to overload your schedule. Maybe doing this blog is your contribution or maybe it’s also one or more of these things:
- making even a small financial donation to the candidates who you believe will make a difference
- talking with your children about social justice and what is going on in the world and our country
- encouraging people you know to take positive action when they start complaining
- take your children to volunteer with you at a shelter or to feed the homeless
- donate items to a center for homeless children
- attend a prayer vigil with your children
- monitor your thoughts and words to stay as positive as you can
The most important thing any of us can do, is to change ourselves. When we become more loving, positive and hopeful, we raise our vibration. Then everywhere we go and everyone we come in contact with benefits from being in the energy of that higher vibration. We can spread love like a good virus. Studies show that happiness is contagious. You can be part of the solution to the epidemic of fear and social injustice by continuing to change yourself and spreading the high vibration of love.
For more shows on Social Justice, please listen to:
- Aug 27, 2015, Dr. James Garbarino, The Importance of Empathy
- Sept 17, 2015, Dr. Ed Tick, Healing the Soul-Level Wounds of War
- Oct 15, 2015, Dr. Marti Loring, The Way Out of Coercion
- December 17, 2015 Dr. Gus Kaufman, Healing Abuse in the LGBT Community
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