In a recent episode of my radio show, Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, Alison Chester-Lambert, M.A. shared some wonderful insights, like the fact that the 12 main Greek deities were composed of 6 men and 6 women. Not only was there gender balance, but there was also no judgment about sexual or gender preference. We have a lot we can learn from these deities about equality, empowerment of women and acceptance of and tolerance for all people. Alison emphasized the importance of the feminine resurgence that is occurring now. We have been in a time of scientific and technological revolution but not evolution. Women are claiming their power now, and it will manifest more fully around the year 2020, which will be a tipping point. I read Tarot and Alison’s Greek Mythology Reading Cards are my new favorite insight deck. They are beautiful and carry profound insights that we need today. As Janice, a regular listener, wrote: “What an interesting show. So empowering. And you sounded radiant.” To listen to this show, I encourage you to click here.
Dr. Paula’s Tip of the Week
My Tip from my e-book, 33 Tips for Self-Empowerment is: Ask yourself, Do I Need This? This is a good question to ask when you are on a tight budget. Pausing to ask the question and listening for the answer will help you make wise choices. It’s also a question to ask about anything, including people, experiences, and feelings. Sometimes we get into patterns and don’t realize how we are hurting ourselves. Asking a question and then listening deeply for the answer can help awaken us to the truth. Insight cards, like the Greek Mythology Reading Cards, give us direct advice that will help us make better decisions. When we are too close to a situation, it’s hard to see it from a new perspective. Our beliefs, judgments and what we think we know, can interfere with our ability to discern the truth about a particular situation or person. The cards draw upon ancient philosophical and spiritual wisdom to help us see beneath the surface. Our intuition, limitless higher self and connection to the cards direct us to the answers and information we need at any given moment.
Dr. Paula’s Silver Lining Story
Today’s silver lining story came to me in a letter from Kamille. She wrote:
When I began doing work for Dr. Paula, I was in the darkest place I’d ever been mentally. My mother, who I’d been very close to, had passed just months before after a very brief diagnosis of brain cancer. I could not have prepared myself for the emotions I would experience as a result. Right after she died, I turned to painting and drawing as an outlet and distraction. I saw at least 3 therapists and they all made me feel worse. The anxiety and pain were unbearable at times and I would either have difficulty sleeping, sometimes even breathing, or I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed.
Eventually, I spoke with Dr. Paula of my struggles and she gave me some incredible insight and resources on how to help myself heal and learn to have a new kind of relationship with my mom in the spiritual realm. I talk/pray to her, write to her, and still cry when I listen to her favorite songs. She is with me. Over time, Dr. Paula’s message has sunk in more and more and helped me tremendously. Everything we do and are is our choice. It takes our own effort and ability to learn from the wisdom and knowledge of those who are enlightened. It won’t happen overnight as it is a process of growth that is sometimes slow and at other times turbulent. I must have patience, celebrate even my tiniest victories, and focus on gratitude.
Even though I lost my mother earlier in life than I would have hoped, the silver lining is that I had a beautiful, kind-hearted and compassionate parent who loved and cared for me unconditionally. That inspires me to be a better mother to my son and carry on her philanthropy helping people and animals.
Thank you Dr. Paula 🙂
I was deeply touched by Kamille’s letter. We don’t always know the impact our words and actions have on people. Even if we see change in an individual, we can never be certain what brought about the change. I was very grateful to know I had had such a positive impact on
Kamille and her healing. I was also so appreciative of her mentioning the silver lining. I often say that no matter what the circumstance, we can always find a silver lining, and I give examples every week to help people see how to do that for themselves. But when someone sees the silver lining in the unexpected death of a beloved parent, I know my message is getting across. It’s immensely gratifying that what I’m doing on my radio show and in my conversations with people is making a difference in the quality of people’s lives. Thank you, Kamille, for the gift of this letter.
My silver lining is that all of the sadness and pain, fears and traumas in my life have led me to making the choice to be bitter, angry and miserable or to take charge of my life, find the silver linings and create a life of peace, joy and happiness. As a result of my own journey, I can help other people discover how to find the silver linings and bring more love and light into their lives. One of the suggestions I made to Kamille was to listen to some of my previous shows on the topics of communicating with those who have passed over, near death experiences and past lives. These shows strengthen our belief in and connection with the spiritual realm and provide techniques to help us communicate directly with our loved ones on the other side.
Marian Stephens’ Story
This week’s episode of Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit aired on the summer solstice, and the synchronicity that occurred is fascinating. Allison Chester-Lambert created The Greek Mythology Reading Cards to help people become more strongly connected to the spiritual realm. Dr. Paula and Allison both randomly picked the Iris card from the deck. Iris is the Greek Goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the Olympian Gods. It quickly became clear that this show has a powerful message for me. In my life coaching session with Dr. Paula this week, we discussed that it is imperative that I find my voice. I can express myself well with the written word, but I struggle with speaking my mind. This results in a great deal of bottled up anger and feeling stuck, which is frustrating. The show focuses on women finding their voice and becoming empowered, which is exactly what I needed to hear. Dr. Paula eloquently states that we can stand up to men, speak our minds, become powerful and still be feminine and women. This gives me the courage I need to navigate the difficult relationships I have with my older boys, and I am so grateful I am beginning to heal from the abusive relationships I have endured and am finding my true voice.
Dr. Paula asks listeners what challenges in life they need to see from a new perspective. My primary role in life is being a mother to four boys and a wife, so I need to discover and recover other aspects of myself to be well-rounded and able to handle the challenges I am facing with parenting more effectively. Looking at my relationship with my eldest son from the perspective of more than just his mother will enable me to help him find his way, and he will possibly begin to heal himself and discover a healthy path to follow. Having my identity solely wrapped up in mothering is not serving to teach my boys to be strong, kind, and healthy men. The more they begin to know and see me as an individual, the more they will begin to seek their individuality and discover their own passions.
Dr. Paula’s tip of the week is to ask yourself: Do I need this? I have been too focused on asking everyone around me what they need and very rarely asking myself what I need. I am going to purposely ask myself this question every time I have a choice or decision to make, and I think this will truly help me to build the life I want. This tip gives me guidance on how to find my voice and see that what I need is as important as everyone else’s needs.
Dr. Paula’s Coaching Response
Marian, the best gift you can give your children is your own healing. As we come fully into our own, our children see that it is safe to become fully who they are meant to be. As Numerologist Alice Rosen said in my January 11, 2018 show, the energies this year support us in speaking our truth. So you are in sync with the universal energies, which want you to express your true self with ease and self-confidence. It has been especially hard for women to be seen and heard. We have been told that our job is to support, nurture and facilitate the lives of others. Ironically, we can do that best if we take care of ourselves first. If the well is dry, we have nothing to give. Our wholeness will shine a light that helps others see their path clearly. Be a shining example of how to live a life fully. Do it for yourself and for your children. Selfish means being full of self. I encourage you to be full of yourself.
Previous Shows On the Topics of Insight Cards and The Awakening of the Feminine:
- What Your Conscious Mind Doesn’t Know with Cheryl Baird on April 16, 2015
- The Important Role of Women In the Buddha’s Life with Wendy Garling on December 1, 2016
- The Statue of Liberty: Goddess in the New World with Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner on October 13, 2016
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Dr. Paula, The Life Doctor, has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their health, wealth and relationships through writing, coaching and speaking. Contact her today to get started on your personal journey. Recently Dr. Paula Joyce, PhD was recognized as one of the 16 Best Life Coaches in Dallas.
Cell: (214) 208-3533
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To hear more shows from Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit, please click here.