Personal, Business, and
Spiritual Transformation Coaching
Dr. Paula helps her clients dissolve hidden fears and blockages, achieve breakthrough thinking, solve their most challenging personal and professional problems, and reach their goals with more ease and speed. With her guidance, Dr. Paula’s clients align and integrate information in both sides of their brain allowing them to move forward with effectiveness and efficiency. Her clients change from the inside out, creating lasting change and self-empowerment.
We are grateful to Influence Digest for choosing Dr. Paula for the Top 15 Coaches in Dallas. This is a special honor as there are more than 300 life coaches in Dallas. Named a Leading Expert, Dr. Paula’s coaching services uncover the obstacles and opportunities which allow her clients to create the life and business of their dreams.
Coaching, Speaking, & Workshops
The Ultimate Creative Problem Solving Process:
Do you feel you are capable of so much more than you are achieving? Join Dr. Paula on an adventure that will change your personal and professional life forever.
Dr. Paula’s unique process helps clients easily tap into the power of their creative/intuitive/right brain which contains approximately ten million times more information than their logical/analytical/left brain. By using and integrating both sides of their brain, clients discover and overcome the obstacles that have prevented their success. They become happy, free, fulfilled, authentic, joyful, positive, and successful.
Dr. Paula’s process is effective for health, wealth, and relationships in people’s personal and professional lives. Dr. Paula is successful with individuals, couples, leadership teams, boards, corporations, professional groups, and conferences. Regardless of the purpose or size of the group, people consistently gain new insights, make breakthroughs, release hidden blockages and fears, reduce stress, solve their most challenging problems, and increase their joy, productivity, and success.

• Dissolve the hidden barriers to achieving your goals
• Hear the still small voice within and gain new insights
• Solve your most challenging problems
• Increase your effectiveness and efficiency
• Release your inhibitions, fears, and doubts
• Discover new ways of thinking
• Reduce stress and increase your effectiveness and efficiency
• Gain new freedom and belief in yourself
• Increase your joy and life satisfaction
• Master new techniques for problem solving, planning, and change
Dr. Paula’s Ultimate Creative Problem Solving Process helps clients
break through their personal and business challenges and discover the unique solutions that work best for them. Their productivity, creativity, and teamwork soar, while reducing stress.
Success Stories
With The Ultimate Creative Problem Solving Process, the chaos of indecision and uncertainty releases, and new energy and freedom emerge. Dramatic results can come slowly over time or quickly in a session or two. It all depends on the person, group, or business. Below are a few examples of real clients’ successes.
- Alicia had been suffering from a sinus infection for numerous months despite strong antibiotics. Her counselor felt it would clear up if she could cry over the incest she had experienced. In one of her sessions with Dr. Paula, her unconscious guided her to draw a tear, which led to her allowing herself to cry for the first time over her childhood abuse. Her sinus infection cleared up immediately.
- When James came to Dr. Paula, he owed the IRS thousands of dollars, was in a failing business with an abusive business partner and was an alcoholic who said he would never go to AA. He now is a committed participant in AA, has a well-paying job in a field he loves, is in a healthy marriage with a new baby, is out of debt, and has successful investments.
Contact Dr. Paula
Join Dr. Paula on an adventure that will change your life. Her unique process will help you release hidden fears and blockages to hearing your soul, your true self, your inner wisdom, healing at deep levels and getting what you truly want in life. You will become happy, free, fulfilled, authentic, joyful, positive, and successful. The skills you learn will help you make breakthroughs in your outlook, personal life, work life, and spiritual life. You will become the best you can be!

Dr. Paula LLC
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